The Swiss-Pharma Licensing Group (Swiss PLG) held its 12th conference, the Swiss-PLG Winter Conference 2010 on January 17-19th in Flims, Switzerland, on the topic ‘Competitive Symbiosis: Business Development and Finance “Pharmaceutical Partnering, Licensing and Finance Options before, during and after the Financial Crisis”.
This well-known event attracted 90 business developers from Switzerland and Europe who had a chance to learn, meet and renew ties with their peers in an exceptional location and ambiance, which included sports and Swiss style hospitality.
“Many thanks for 2 wonderful days! I enjoyed it very much and I was able to establish good contacts.”
- Christoph Schweins, Tiba Managementberatung GmbH
„Noch einmal ganz herzlichen Dank fuer 2 tolle Tage! Wie immer eine klasse Organisation! Freue mich schon sehr aufs naechste Jahr!”
- Oliver Freichel, Boehringer Ingelheim
“Thank you for organising a great meeting for Swiss PLG. It was very useful to hear the other presentations and make new contacts and I hope that the other attendees enjoyed my presentation.”
- John Burt
“I wanted to thank you again for all your energy in supporting the organization of this nice annual meeting and then of course helping all of us.”
- Dominique Doyen, Eurand
“Zunächst möchte ich mich für die abermals sehr gute Orgnanisation in Flims und die sehr guten Vorträge bedanken. Es hat wie im vergangenen Jahr wieder sehr viel Spaß gemacht.”
- Claudia Johannwille, BANNERT MANLIK Consultants GmbH
“Vielen Dank nochmals für das gelungene Meeting in Flims.”
- Dr. Christoph Newzella
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