IPLS, Bright Here, Right Now to be held in Brighton, England 26th - 28th September 2022
It’s a huge pleasure to open up invitations to the 2022 Annual Conference – For over 16 years the IPLS has always been a great place to do business, and to do what we all like: meeting in person, networking and catching up on the latest trends. This year IPLS Brighton has more ways than ever to engage, with company presentations, one to one networking, professional clinics, as well as our usual top class social programme. The program is designed to bring you up to date on the current topics that are set to be game-changers in our BD&L field. Post Brexit and post-pandemic, Brighton is an uplifting place to be and we look forward to welcoming you in September.
We live in a real-world… welcome back to it!
What’s New For the first time we are including two new ways for your members to engage at this conference:
Register and benefit from the Early Bird Discount
2023 © Swiss HLG | by evago.fr
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