Inspiring to have Matthias Steger, speaking at our recent conference in Montreux

Home » Inspiring to have Matthias Steger, speaking at our recent conference in Montreux

It was very inspiring to have Matthias Steger PhD, MBA, CEO of Endogena Therapeutics, Inc. speaking at our recent conference in Montreux on ¨Endogena Therapeutics – a novel drug discovery & development paradigm¨.

Mats described how starting in 2016 he built a unique phenotypic drug discovery platform from scratch, focused on using AI and machine learning to find novel small molecules that restore stem cell function. Over 7 years later, Endogena now has two clinical programs in opthalmology and Mats argues that a phenotypic approach can deliver higher translational success. Agents can also offer wider applicability than therapies targeting specific genetic deficits.

Mats faced a lot of scepticism and had to address every proof point sequentially. Initially peopole did not believe that retinal stem cells were present, then that they could be activated, and then that they would migrate to where they were needed. Careful diligent experiments dismantled each of the objections in turn, gradually unlocking further funding and partnering interest. All of this has resulted in groundbreaking publications.

It was very moving to hear how Mats was motivated on his journey by a friend facing blindness from retinitis pigmentosa. We wish Mats every success in this amazing journey.

Please look out for the ¨save the date¨ announcement for our 2025 conference!

8 June 2024


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