Are you a start-up that can benefit from joining our association? Swiss HLG has a great start-up offer for you! Apply for a Swiss HLG [...]
SAVE THE DATE Swiss HLG Jubilee Conference 8th-10th May 2022 It’s Swiss HLG’s 20th Anniversary, and we can’t wait to celebrate it with you! [...]
The Good Partnering Practices initiative (Swiss GPP), is a set of professional and structured principles to facilitate partnering and to provide a [...]
New Horizons The evolution of deal-making ; Learnings from a global health crisis 1st of June 2021 3.00pm - 5.30pm CET Free of charge, register [...]
Being the first to access real innovation is key to our success! Join us for our third session of our Swiss HLG "New Horizons" Webinar [...]
Join the 2nd Swiss HLG New Horizons virtual event DIGITAL HEALTH - ACCELERATED BY THE PANDEMIC on the 13th April [...]
New Horizons The evolution of deal-making ; Learnings from a global health crisis 13th of April 2021, 3.00pm - 5.30pm CET EVENT [...]
Thank you for your active participation in the event, it was a great success, for all our attendees, did you miss a presentation or would you like to [...]
The Swiss HLG Virtual Conference 2021 was a great success. With over 215 registrations, we are happy that the [...]
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